Playing Seattle tour guide for my visiting family

Have you ever been a tourist in your own city? Visiting guests provide the perfect opportunity for you to remember all the things that make your city cool. Honestly, I love being a tourist because I enjoy the unique gems and world-famous treasures that make Seattle, well … Seattle! So, when my aunt and cousins …

The salmon make their last hurrah bringing life into the world

Living in Seattle, there is no shortage of natural wonderment to experience. Today, I spent the afternoon witnessing one of life’s great journeys. I got to see the salmon swimming upstream to spawn and die. I’m more than a little in awe of the choreography of it all. I’ve made hundreds of visits to the …

A trip to the pumpkin patch is a fall tradition

I love traditions. My family has a set of pretty strong traditions connected to holidays, birthdays, and just being together. After living away from my family for a decade, I’ve made a few traditions of my own as well. One of those traditions is a trip to the pumpkin patch. My linesisters, their little people, …

i’ll take my starbucks with a shot of shackles and shock

my body woke me up from what i can only assume was a peaceful sleep at 5am saturday morning. my reaction was anything but peaceful. i struggled to fall back to sleep for a few hours before i just gave up. i had a pretty lengthy to-do list so i decided to get started. first …

umbrella, i don’t need no stinking umbrella

it’s raining in seattle. i know what you’re thinking. it’s always raining in seattle. wrong. it’s not always raining in seattle. we don’t mind you thinking that though because we don’t actually want you moving here and messing up our hodgepodge of hippie-hipster/geeky-chic/counter-culture/semi-progressive/multi-cultural-inclusive/seattle-freezy vibe. but it’s fall and fall does mean rain. i’m a self-professed vitamin …