this post is past due as i attended this gallery opening back in july. i’m not sure what it is with me updating this site with the constant barrage of geeky things i do in seattle. it is what it is i guess. i can make promises to do better but i don’t make promises …
She-Ra: Princess of Power Rocks the Geek Girl Con
there is a rumor floating around there that all girls want to be princesses and grown women want to be treated like princesses. let me clear something up for you. i didn’t grow up thinking i was helpless and had to be rescued by a prince to make my life a happy ending. somehow, i …
tales from a brown girl at the emerald city con
i’m a geeky brown girl. i don’t really have to tell you that because you can see it in the headline of my site. you can also figure it out by reading my posts and check out my photos. i loves my geekiness. in fact, i never felt comfortable in my skin until i truly …
just call me a wordsmith
i like words. a lot. i went to school to be a writer. i have five blogs and i update them fairly regularly. i play words with friends before going to bed. i play scrabble by myself and of course with friends. i make up words. i decorate with words. i collect words. i get …
inforgraphs: my twitter life in pictures
this lovely infograph of my twitter existence was brought to you by the lovely people at you can create your own infographic and share with the world. it might show you how cool you are. i think i want to make that graphic my new header. hmm…..
Miss Representation Screening
I saw this posted on the GeekGirlCon website and since I’m totally in love with these ladies and their mission I thought I’d share with you guys. I’ll be there and hope you show up as well! Click here to buy tickets! Miss Representation – Presented by Women’s Funding Alliance in partnership with Reel Grrls, GeekGirlCon, and SIFF. Join us on …
halloween pacific northwest style
i like to cosplay and halloween is a large scale, socially acceptable excuse to cosplay. who can argue with such a thing? this year i had many costumes to choose from and many party options. i settled for one – the buffalo sock party: halloween edition – in honor of a few friends and their …
Geek Girls and Geek Girl Con
There are some things that just go together perfectly for us geeky girls. Geek tees and converse. Feminism and cosplay. Superheroes and villains. Geek love/adoration and cons. This past weekend in Seattle, city of major tech giants and über geeks galore, Geek Girl Con was born. This was the first ever Con devoted to us …